Partners of Indnatur
Indnatur is a collaborative project between seven partners led by the University of Valladolid. Each partner puts up its knowledge and know-how to improve the actions and proposals.
University of Valladolid (UVa)
The University of Valladolid has extensive, long-standing experience in the generation and transmission of knowledge, as well as in the management of European projects (preparation, presentation and justification of projects). It also strongly promotes the entity’s integration in international networks to contribute to the generation and transfer of knowledge, specifically in issues related to environmental improvement, from different viewpoints. Through its Research Support Service, it carries out a series of activities necessary for the execution of this type of proposal, such as liaison with the business environment, fund-raising and financing, promotion and strengthening of R&D&I.
The UVa develops projects in many areas of knowledge and with different types of partners: INTERREG, LIFE, CRAFT, various modalities of Marie Curie, ERC projects (Starting Grants and Synergy Grant), collaborative projects of different sizes and infrastructure actions.
With this project, UVa seeks to generate and transmit specific knowledge about the development of NBS in environments with very particular conditions: industrial estates. These are generally spaces with bigger environmental problems, greater emissions and management of the water cycle and fewer physical resources to combat them because of the configuration of their buildings and their public spaces (roads and open spaces).
Valladolid City Council
The experience of the City Council of Valladolid as a city demonstrating innovation projects is extensive, supported by social commitment and government bodies, with offices with specific powers, such as the Agency for Innovation and Economic Development.
The city has an Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy called INNOLID 2020+. It has been one of the first cities to tackle innovative initiatives and actions in the Smart City context and is a promoter of demonstration projects in different areas, such as sustainable transport, the development of ICT in public services and increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, etc. Specifically, in terms of urban renaturation, the city is currently a demonstrator of the URBAN GreenUP project, financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.
The main objective of Valladolid City Council is to contribute to improving the quality of life of its citizens. On the road to sustainability, the environmental aspect of development is to be improved, but with an economic and social impact, such as the INDNATUR project. Furthermore, as part of the development of the local circular economy, there is the refurbishment and improvement of degraded areas of the city, such as its industrial estates.
These environmental and climatic challenges have been included in the city’s Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy, INNOLID 2020+, with which the INDNATUR project will contribute to the commitments of a strategy currently in force.
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB)
The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança has significant technical capacity in the specific thematic area of this project, evident in its levels of competence and experience. It has a wide variety of professionals, including teaching and technical staff with a high level of training, apparent in the high number of doctors and specialized technicians.
The IPB has extensive experience in international projects in the development of sustainable urban design options, including industrial zones, such as the POCTEP projects: REHABIND, BIOURB and BIOURB NATUR, etc. It also has an extensive technical-scientific production that can be consulted at
The IPB develops its mission in cooperation with society, including cross-border cooperation, in a perspective of territorial cohesion and national and international purpose, contributing to regional development, innovation and the production and transfer of technical-scientific knowledge. For these reasons, the IPB’s participation in this project is particularly relevant since it will place relevant skills and experience at the service of the community. Depending on the specific goals of the project, it may also strengthen cross-border inter-institutional collaboration.
Municipal Chamber of Bragança
The Municipality of Bragança has the necessary administrative, financial, human and technical resources for the financial management of the project, a fact sufficiently demonstrated by its extensive experience in territorial cooperation, especially cross-border, and in the management and implementation of European projects during the period 2000-2020.
With this project, the Municipality of Bragança seeks to strengthen its relations with development agents in the context of the POCTEP and, in particular, in the area of North Portugal-Castilla y León.
The goals of the project are 100%-related to the strategies and actions of the Municipality. In particular, this project reinforces the actions of the “Plano de Ação de Regeneração Urbana” (PARU – Urban Regeneration Action Plan) for its contribution to the recovery of the degraded areas of the city, including the industrial estate of Cantarias.
The project is also compatible with the strategy of promoting sustainable urban development by continuing the example of the ECODOMUS project.
INDNATUR will also be an opportunity to reinforce the city’s SmartCity status, which can be achieved by adopting “smart” solutions for the environmental monitoring of the Industrial Estate.
Natural Heritage Foundation of Castilla y León
Natural Heritage Foundation of Castilla y León, was founded in 2005 to contribute to the promotion of environmental sustainability and the conservation of the natural heritage of the autonomous community of Castilla y León. In the area of sustainability, it has experience in the application of bioclimatic and Passiv solutions in the construction and refurbishment of buildings, the application of nature-based techniques for the maintenance of parks and gardens, the preparation of a sustainable building guide for public buildings and technical specifications in collaboration with Castilla y León, the organization of training sessions and technical visits on sustainable buildings and building energy efficiency.
The foundation’s interest is to promote the application of nature-based solutions in Castilla y León. The INDNATUR project is the opportunity to apply NBS models in urban areas, especially degraded areas, to contribute to the objectives of environmental improvement, in particular those related to adaptation to climate change, and to favour biodiversity in urban areas.
It is also interested in promoting a new model of urban development, also in industrial areas, which takes into account adaptation to climate change, the resilience of the urban areas themselves, the improvement of air quality and other environmental factors. This is consistent with the lines of work of FPNCYL and the environmental policies we apply as a public body.
AEICE – Innovative Business Grouping for Efficient Construction
AEICE participates in various calls, such as Interreg POCTEP 2014-2020 (Flumen Durius) and other projects in H2020 (Ruritage) and COSME (Wine & Senses). It has extensive experience in national, regional and local R&D&I projects in the areas of energy and environment, circular economy, friendly environments, construction 4.0, land development and efficient equipment.
The AEICE cluster strongly promotes collaborative innovation. Accordingly, creating and participating in international collaboration networks brings the following values: it contributes to the competitive development of the companies in the cluster, it offers the associated knowledge entities new fields of research and work, it brings knowledge of how other administrations work and the option for making proposals inspired by those who collaborate with the cluster, it contributes to solving the challenges facing society, involving it in the solutions.
With this project, AEICE seeks to contribute to these four points, providing the organizations in its ecosystem with specific knowledge and, therefore, a differential value on the development of NBS on industrial estates which today suffer from serious problems in terms of competitiveness, habitability and attractiveness in the region of Castilla y León and similar regions.
Provincial Council of Ávila
The Provincial Council of Ávila has a department of European affairs that works to promote the province.
One of the key elements of promotion is the attraction of companies to the rural world to boost the economy and make the population more permanent. Accordingly, the infrastructure offered to businesses sometimes passes through industrial land, which, although municipal, the Provincial Council of Ávila intends to develop to encourage its occupation and use.
The Provincial Council of Ávila seeks to promote the use and appreciation of the industrial space in the province to achieve the best possible condition. Furthermore, the possible promotion and adaptation of these lands, including considerations of sustainability and nature-based solutions, will allow the protection and promotion of the environment, another fundamental asset of the province.
Ultimately, the development of the INDNATUR project as proposed could help improve conservation of the natural heritage and promote industrial options in the province.